Accessible Website Architecture and UX


GoDaddy Pro EMEA (Online)

Jun 20, 2022, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

When we speak about website design, primarily we talk about the aesthetics — color schemes, images, layout, text size, & fonts. Website content architecture improvements such as consistent navigation and clear sitemaps, are features that can improve the browsing experience, especially for those relying on assistive technologies.

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About this event

About this event

When we speak about website design, primarily we talk about the aesthetics — color schemes, images, layout, text size, and fonts. But there is so much more going on behind the scenes that determine whether the design is user-friendly, inclusive and accessible.

Website content architecture improvements such as consistent navigation and clear sitemaps, are features that can improve the browsing experience, especially for those relying on assistive technologies. Join our panelists and prepare for an interesting journey of website tours from the perspective of users with visual impairment.

🗣️ Join the community discussion for this event!

More about our events.

Break up the week with a casual meetup. Our events are intended to be an open forum, following a loose outline of topics relevant to supporting each other professionally and personally. These are not intended to be “just another online event”. Our goal is to create an open space to have meaningful conversations between individuals who are connected through the use of WordPress and marketing.

Bring your questions on the topic of the week and listen in as experts provide answers.

Or maybe you’d just like to listen-in and co-work with others? That’s OK too.

It’s more important now than ever that we take proactive action to keep us connected as people. The GoDaddy Pro team is committed to keeping our community strong and helping each other continue to facilitate those in-person connections that have made the WordPress project and software what it is today. 


  • Lazar Bulatovic


  • Andrija Radojev


    Technical Website Builder III

  • Anne-Mieke Bovelett



  • Adam Warner

    GoDaddy Pro

    Director of Global Field Marketing

  • Maja Loncar

    GoDaddy Pro

    Marketing Manager, GoDaddy Pro EMEA

  • Marcus Burnette

    GoDaddy Pro

    Sr. Marketing Specialist

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