Discover the Power of Inclusive Language

GoDaddy Pro EMEA (Online)

Feb 27, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Any language that treats people unfairly, insults, or excludes a person or group of persons falls under non-inclusive language. Let's assess the case: You have an amazing website & you are investing money to promote it online & make consumers aware of your product and perhaps create a ongoing relationship with them, but the content on your website uses non-inclusive language.

About this event

About this event

Any language that treats people unfairly, insults, or excludes a person or group of persons falls under non-inclusive language. Inclusive language is used whenever content is written to accurately reflect and respect the experiences of specific or wider communities. 

Let's assess the case: You have an amazing website & you are investing money to promote it online & make consumers aware of your product and perhaps create an ongoing relationship with them, but the content on your website uses non-inclusive language.  

A first visit to your website is often times compared to a first date for a reason. People prefer doing business or building relations with people they know, like, and trust. Imagine upsetting your date by making a rude comment to a waiter during your first date. Or upsetting a website visitor with a phrase in your content that keeps prejudice, stigma, or erasure going. It might be the one misstep that breaks trust and brings what just got started to a grinding halt.

Sadly, we all have unconscious biases, and our content might reflect those. Chances are, you have some of those biases hiding in your content. And they might be disengaging or even turning off potential customers.

And did you know that the teams behind search engines like Google are becoming more and more outspoken about the need for inclusive language, too? Not being intentional about it might cost you search traffic.

If you’re able to spot (potentially) non-inclusive language, on the other hand, your message is more likely to resonate with a larger group of people within your target audience. They are more likely to start knowing, liking, and trusting you.

During this session, you will:

- Discover what inclusive language is and how everyone benefits from using it;

- Become aware of some of the most common misconceptions

- Take home some actionable tips that make being more intentional about inclusive language easy and rewarding.

More about our events.

Break up the week with a casual meetup. Our events are intended to be an open forum, following a loose outline of topics relevant to supporting each other professionally and personally. These are not intended to be “just another online event”. Our goal is to create an open space to have meaningful conversations between individuals who are connected through the use of WordPress and marketing.

Bring your questions on the topic of the week and listen in as experts provide answers.

Or maybe you’d just like to listen-in and co-work with others? That’s OK too.

It’s more important now than ever that we take proactive action to keep us connected as people. The GoDaddy Pro team is committed to keeping our community strong and helping each other continue to facilitate those in-person connections that have made the WordPress project and software what it is today. 


  • Yvette Sonneveld


    Community Manager

  • Agnieszka Szuba




  • Adam Warner

    GoDaddy Pro

    Director of Global Field Marketing

  • Maja Loncar

    GoDaddy Pro

    Marketing Manager, GoDaddy Pro EMEA

  • Marcus Burnette

    GoDaddy Pro

    Sr. Marketing Specialist

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