How AI Can Improve Your Website?

GoDaddy Pro EMEA (Online)

Sep 21, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

AI is transforming the way we do business. An MIT Technology Review survey found that customer service is the most active area for AI deployment today. But to make your AI project a success, you need to start smart. In this talk, we’ll share tips on how to boost your website’s customer experience and increase online sales with the use of AI, and how to do it right.

About this event

AI is transforming the way we do business. An MIT Technology Review survey found that customer service is the most active area for AI deployment today. But to make your AI project a success, you need to start smart. In this talk, we’ll share tips on how to boost your website’s customer experience and increase online sales with the use of AI, and how to do it right.


  • Adam Warner

    GoDaddy Pro

    Director of Global Field Marketing

  • Maja Loncar

    GoDaddy Pro

    Marketing Manager, GoDaddy Pro EMEA

  • Marcus Burnette

    GoDaddy Pro

    Sr. Marketing Specialist

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