Website Security Components

GoDaddy Pro EMEA (Online)

Feb 8, 2021, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Website security can be a complex (or even confusing) topic in an ever-evolving landscape. The aim of this coming meetup is meant to provide a clear framework for website owners seeking to mitigate risk and apply security principles to their web properties. Before we get started, it’s important to keep in mind that security is never a set-it-and-forge-it solution.

About this event

Website security can be a complex (or even confusing) topic in an ever-evolving landscape. Aim of this coming meetup is meant to provide a clear framework for website owners seeking to mitigate risk and apply security principles to their web properties.

Before we get started, it’s important to keep in mind that security is never a set-it-and-forge-it solution. Instead, we encourage you to think of it as a continuous process that requires constant assessment to reduce the overall risk.

By applying a systematic approach to website security, we can think of it as an onion, with many layers of defense all coming together to form one piece. We need to view website security holistically and approach it with a defense in depth strategy.


  • Adam Warner

    GoDaddy Pro

    Director of Global Field Marketing

  • Maja Loncar

    GoDaddy Pro

    Marketing Manager, GoDaddy Pro EMEA

  • Marcus Burnette

    GoDaddy Pro

    Sr. Marketing Specialist

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