Call for Testing: WordPress Media

GoDaddy Pro (Online)

Feb 18, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

With WordPress 5.9 shipped, the big pieces of full site editing are out in the open ready for feedback. Whether it’s setting a featured image or adding a header image, there are tons of ways media touches all parts of building a great site. Join us as we run through testing WordPress media features together.

About this event

With WordPress 5.9 shipped, the big pieces of full site editing are out in the open ready for feedback. Rather than digging once more into these pieces for now, let’s leave that to the broader community to absorb and switch into an aspect of site building that can seem very make or break: the role of media. Whether it’s setting a featured image or adding a header image, there are tons of ways media touches all parts of building a great site.

Courtney Robertson will be leading this session, where we'll explore media functionality—within the scope of full site editing—together LIVE. We'll discover what's currently possible with media and contemplate what we might want to see in the future. The results of this session will then be directly shared back to the Make WordPress team. Your voice matters!

See for more info.


  • Adam Warner

    GoDaddy Pro

    Director of Field Marketing

  • Marcus Burnette

    GoDaddy Pro

    Sr. Marketing Specialist

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