Eliminating the content collection bottleneck

GoDaddy Pro (Online)

Sep 24, 2020, 10:00 – 11:00 PM

Running an agency, you wear a LOT of hats. The last thing you need are clients wasting your precious time by not sending you content or brand assets when you need them. Learn how to get content faster, keep projects on track and look like an absolute pro to your clients with James Rose from Content Snare.

About this event

Running an agency, you wear a LOT of hats. The last thing you need are clients wasting your precious time by not sending you content or brand assets when you need them.

When surveyed, agencies often report that getting content from clients is their biggest bottleneck.

But with the right process, you'll get content faster, keep projects on track and look like an absolute pro to your clients.

In this training, you'll learn:

  • How to get content from clients faster
  • What to say to clients to reduce delays
  • Clauses to include in your contract
  • How to fix the 3 major reasons clients stall on content
  • Tools to use

A little about James Rose:

Jimmy is the co-founder of Content Snare - a software platform that helps professionals collect content & files from clients. Once an automation engineer, his new priority is to help business owners regain their lives, be more productive and get more done in less time.

Where else can you find him?

He blogs about productivity and automation at https://jimmyrose.me.

Subscribe to his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnfG0GuJW2KMQOyAtlx1Xgg.


  • Adam Warner

    GoDaddy Pro

    Director of Field Marketing

  • Marcus Burnette

    GoDaddy Pro

    Sr. Marketing Specialist

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